
Membership registration and payment for the 2024-2025 year is now available. Click your membership level below to continue.

Membership in WPTLA helps the Association continue to grow, to expand the range of services offered to our members, and to speak up for the rights of our present and future clients. Membership dues in WPTLA support important activities, events and programs for the member trial lawyers of Western Pennsylvania.

WPTLA Membership Levels

$300 President’s Club

$160 General Membership

$75 Emeritus Membership

$35 Young Lawyer Membership

$0 Junior Membership


Member Benefits

Member Directory : A member directory with your photo and links to your website including your profile page, published online for paid members.
The Advocate: Published quarterly and exclusively online for members only, this important resource keeps you current on Association news, significant case law updates, pending legislation, and practice tips.
Scholarship Essay Contest: Available to high schools in the Western District of PA.
President’s Challenge 5K Run/Walk/Wheel: Annually benefiting the Pittsburgh Steelwheelers, this year’s race is set for Saturday, September 21, 2024.
WPTLA Client Comeback Award: Premier dinner is held annually to honor a deserving client.
Member Dinner Meetings and Receptions: An opportunity to hear and discuss points of view with prominent speakers, participate in Association events, and network with area plaintiffs’ lawyers.
CLE: We hold both substantive and ethics programs throughout the year that help members stay up to date on innovative litigation strategies every trial lawyer should know. Members also benefit from the opportunity to learn from panels of judges who share the do’s and don’ts of trial practice in their courtrooms. WPTLA is an approved long distance provider of CLE, and we offer courses on our website for purchase and viewing.
Annual Judiciary Dinner: Held in Pittsburgh, this event recognizes the judiciary of the Western District of PA. We also present our Champion of Justice Award, Daniel M. Berger Community Service Award, Essay Contest Winners’ Awards, and 5K proceeds to the Steelwheelers at this event.
Community Outreach: Events that allow us, as a trial lawyers organization, to give back to the community. Past events have included involvement with area Habitat for Humanity chapters, Pittsburgh Cares, a Wills Clinic with Operation Better Block, as well as a holiday donation drive for a local nonprofit.
